Diversity and Inclusivity For Organisation
Research shows that high-performance organizations have more diversity and inclusivity, which brings in more creativity and innovation in...
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Saturday Surreal| Will I drive Again...|
Standing in my posh parking lot, I am forgetting my value to the people I served. Everyone seems to be forgetting my utility. In this...
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Friday Fortune| Giving Best Efforts|
Giving best efforts in everything that we do is a fortune we can create for ourselves every single day. It's in fact too simple to even...
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Wednesday Warmup Skill| Collaboration -Teamwork|
The biggest skill of the 21st century is Collaboration -Teamwork. Every FAMILY -FIRM -FORUM -FRIEND'S CIRCLE is always looking for this...
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Tuesday Transformation| Self Control|
Becoming successful in life requires giving up certain habits—frequent partying, eating certain meals, instant gratifying stuff, etc. You...
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Monday Motivation| Brain Storming Vs Brain Stilling| Meditation|
Last weekend we had Mr. Bhatnagar as our guest in Success Studios for the Success Mantra Show! It was a really motivating discussion,...
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Saturday Surreal| Living with the angels|
' 'I feel elated with our new place in the bushes next to the angels who live there'', said the mother bird to her mate. The birds have...
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Thursday Therapy| Cooking As Therapy and Cure|
Cooking can be immensely therapeutic and also a natural cure for many health challenges. The biggest advantage is that you start watching...
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Wednesday Warmup Skill| Dealing with Ambiguity|
Dealing with ambiguity is one of the best skills to be developed in the 21century. Life is sometimes an ambiguous journey, thus if we are...
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Tuesday Transformation| Need to Change others Vs Transform our thinking...|
In life, at times one may feel like a puppet trying to adhere to the needs of others. True relationships are ones where one can accept...
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