In this workshop we're going to identify your purpose with 9 specific tools created to help you evaluate where you are now, decide on what's relevant today and then move forward with certainty. The nine specific tools are -1. 1. Role Model/Models
2. Values & Beliefs
3.Reasons for Existence
4.My Reasons for Being & Contribution
5.Impact Desire
6.Your Lasting Legacy Statement
7.What gives you Personal Happiness
8.Experiences in life
9.Purpose Statement & Scorecard
Create your personal Role Models and your mission
Value and belief clarification
Contemplate your "Ikigai" or reason for being.
Discover your "Who am I?" set of rules
Assemble your "Purpose Tapestry" statement
Choose your "Impact"
Put your purpose into action with the next steps
Create purpose statement and scorecard
Everyone has a unique purpose. A purpose that life's experiences forge them perfectly for - sometimes painfully. A purpose that matures and evolves as we do, while we live life and experience the world through our unique perspective. Until such a time that we decide to search for and find purpose, we are merely sampling and experiencing life like a skipping stone across the water. Not fully or whole-heartedly "living and breathing it". I believe in living a life on purpose, being on-purpose, doing on-purpose and living life fully on purpose. Not just from some point in the foreseeable or distant future. Everyday!!! I believe that truly living on purpose is the way to live a whole and fulfilling life.
So I know right about now you're thinking "but I can do this myself" and my response would be "Yes, of course, you can!!!" But the question is, will you? And will you be able to based on these steps because we haven't given you all of them? And if you do decide to do-it-yourself, how long will it take you to? And what could have you done with the time otherwise? There's an Investment-Opportunity trade-off in everything we do. Don't waste time. It's all here!!!
What's unique about this particular workshop is that this whole thing uses a design thinking methodology. The strategic plan you follow with each step digs deep and unpacks information from within your story. Now you can actually see it in front of you. Its helps you to design your story unique to yourself. What's also unique about this whole process is that you actually get to put your fingerprint into it. And it's only when we get to put our fingerprint into it, that we actually buy into it and own it. top of that, the whole thing is yours to keep, revise and review at your leisure.
We've taken knowledge and experience from the last 25 years of building and designing programs and facilitating workshops in the behavioural and leadership arena, coupled it with Industry Design Thinking and Systems Thinking methodologies, blended it with our own style of conscious awareness and distilled from it "The Purpose Workshop". A system of discovering your purpose from how you see yourself and the world around you.
Online Workshop -4 hours crash course with certificate -INR 3000/- Per person
2Days on Campus Program - INR 50,000/- (For 15 Participants)
1*1 Coaching Customised as per need.
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