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How to Improve Your Sales Process

Professional selling has three stages. They are prospect, present, and follow up. These phases make up the “sales funnel.” The program focuses on the objection handling, consultative selling,coach your prospects, add value through your sales cycle. 6 R process of sales and focus on every area. 

Following are some methods which would be addressed in the experiential sales workshop:-

  • If you’re not satisfied with your results, analyze your performance in these prospect, present, and follow up areas, and see where you can improve to have biggest impact on your revenue

  • The way to increase sales is to increase the quality or quantity of your activity in one or more of these areas.

  • Use the “80/20 rule.” Spend 80% of your time prospecting and presenting, and spend only 20% of your time following up with potentially high-value customers.

Event includes following:

1. Confidence Building 

2. Understanding of Design Principles

3. Working with voice coaches

4.Understanding of Body language

5. Public emotional connect

6. Theatrics -Vocabulary and adding value to the audience 



1. Theatrical metaphors

2. Overcoming fear techniques

3. Video based feedbacks

4. Practice tools

5. Understanding nuances of  psychology

6. ID techniques of the content design



1. Post training coaching and handholding

2. Follow up tools

3. Data base creation tools

4. Linking marketing-sales for results

5. Creating pipeline & network

Selling Product or Service for Maximum Profit

Your ability to sell can give you a high income and lifelong job security. With that said, here are some basic business fundamentals that will teach you how to sell more products and services:

For more in-depth coaching on this following are other aspects of workshop:

  • Get written testimonial letters from your satisfied customers, highlight the same on your social media and also office walls.

  • Be prepared. Dress well. Your sales pitch will be useless if you give off a negative first impression.

  • Plan every pitch or presentation in advance. The best salespeople know how to keep their prospects involved and active.

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